

An unforgettable vacation awaits you in the superior holiday house Hisca in Mozirje, in the Upper Savinja Valley. Indulge in 120 square meters of luxury and comfort in this charming two-story house that offers two stylish bedrooms, a spacious living room and kitchen. A modern furnished terrace, which also includes a place for a barbecue, a sauna and a massage bath (jacuzzi) for complete relaxation of the body and mind and a wonderful view of the surrounding hills and the Alps. The location of the house is ideal for all lovers of nature, skiing, hiking, fishing and conquering peaks, swimming in the Savinja river and other activities that can be enjoyed in the immediate vicinity.


Spacious house 120m²

Massage pool - Jacuzzi


Private terrace

Area for barbecue - BBQ

View of the mountains

Close to landscape parks

Free parking

Large kitchen

Suitable for couples

Family friendly


Non-smoking rooms

Available dates and prices

An oasis of pleasure

Escape to a natural paradise

HISCA House Počitniška hiša


The exceptional above-standard holiday house Hisca invites you to experience the luxury and comfort of the Alpine world. The private and modernly furnished terrace allows you to enjoy the fresh air with a wonderful view of the surrounding hills and the Alps. Here you can organize a picnic with your family or friends or enjoy gourmet delicacies on the grill. For additional pampering, immerse yourself in the massage bath and indulge in the beneficial bubbles.

Hisca is perfect for romantic get-togethers for two, as it allows you privacy and intimacy. At the same time, due to its spaciousness and large terrace, it is an ideal choice for families with children. Children will enjoy the spacious house, where they have enough space to play and have fun. Regardless of the season, it offers you many possibilities to enjoy. Skiing, hiking, fishing or conquering the surrounding peaks and swimming in the Savinja River are just some of them. Discover the magic of the surroundings and indulge in natural beauty.

Unforgettable experiences


Activities nearby

In the Upper Savinja Valley you can enjoy hiking, cycling, fishing, go down wild rivers or enjoy skiing and discovering unspoiled nature. Relax in peace, enjoy the views and get to know the beauty of the Upper Savinjska Valley.


The Upper Savinja Valley impresses with its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Enjoy the magic of the Logarska dolina, marvel at the Rinka waterfall, explore the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and get to know the beauty of Mozirski gaj and the magnificence of the surrounding castles.


The Upper Savinja Valley impresses with its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Enjoy the magic of the Logarska dolina, marvel at the Rinka waterfall, explore the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and get to know the beauty of Mozirski gaj and the magnificence of the surrounding castles.

Guest reviews


Hisca news


Še eno sporočilce, ki smo ga prejeli ob odhodu gostov 😍. Hvala vam iz srca za vsak vaš obisk, za vsak nasmeh ob odhodu, za vsak komentar, oceno, sporočilo ... Hvala ❤️! 

#customerreview #mnenjestranke #hisca #hiscahouse #mozirje #logarskadolina #sloveniatravel #slovenia_ig #sloveniaoutdoor #sloveniagreen #slovenia #visitslovenia
Dobrodošel oktober 🍂😍! 

Takole izgledajo naši jesenski dnevi - nabiramo, kar nam narava ponuja in iz tega naredimo domače dobrote, ki vam jih z veseljem postrežemo v naši Hisci 🙂. Vabljeni! 

#domace #lokalno #slovenia #hisca #hiscahouse #mozirje #slovenia_ig #sloveniafood #sloveniagreen #sloveniatravel #sloveniaoutdoor #sloveniafoodexperience
To je močan citat Jima Rohna. To je odličen opomnik na pomen skrbi zase in ohranjanja zdravega življenjskega sloga.

Stres je običajen del življenja, vendar lahko pretiran stres negativno vpliva na vaše telesno in duševno zdravje. Tukaj je nekaj naših predlogov za obvladovanje stresa, skrbi zase in spodbujanje splošnega dobrega počutja:

👉Preživite čas z bližnjimi in gradite močne odnose.
👉Socialna podpora vam lahko zagotovi uteho in zmanjša stres.
👉Ukvarjajte se z dejavnostmi, ki vas veselijo, da se sprostite in odpravite stres.
👉Zadostna količina spanja
👉Zdrava prehrana in zadostna količina gibanja
👉Upravljanje s časom in določanje prednostnih nalog
👉Naučite se reči „ne“ obveznostim, ki vas preobremenjujejo.

Predvsem pa postavite sebe in čas zase ter vaše najdražje na prvo mesto. 🥰Vabljeni v Hisco, da se odklopite od vaših vsakdanjih skrbi in stresa ter se ponovno povežete sami s sabo, naravo, partnerjem/partnerko, prijatelji ... 

#quotestagram #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby #hisca #mozirje #logarskadolina #hiscahouse #sloveniatravel #visitslovenia #slovenia_ig
It's just another manic Monday .... But nothing a good, healthy, homemade breakfast (and a lot of coffee 😉) at our Hisca House can't fix. 

Ekipa Hisce vam želi sproščen in prijeten skok v nov teden 🤗! 

#zajtrk #zajtrkjepomemben #hisca #hiscahouse #domace #lokalno  #homemade #homemadebreakfast #breakfastgoals #healthybreakfast #mozirje #logarskadolina #slovenia_ig #sloveniatravel #slovenia #visitslovenia #slovenianfood
Jutranja panorama v okolici Hisce 🥰. 

Predvsem jutra že malce nakazujejo in dihajo jesen 🍂, medtem ko popoldne predvsem temperature še zmeraj vztrajajo v letošnjem vročem poletju ☀️.

Želimo vam lepo, sproščeno nedeljo in miren začetek novega tedna 😊! 

#hisca #hiscahouse #mozirje #razgled #slovenia #slovenialovers #sloveniagreen #sloveniaoutdoor #visitsavinjska #logarskadolina #savinjskadolina

HISCA House Počitniška hiša


Cesta na lepo njivo 21
3330 Mozirje


051 427 484

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HISCA House Počitniška hiša


Cesta na lepo njivo 21
3330 Mozirje


+386 51 427 484



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